Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu is a sacred place for believers of Hindu Religion who believe that it was in this place that Lord Shiva performed his cosmic dance, which is called tandava nritya. This temple town has mythological as well as historical significance and is known for the rituals of contrition, cleansing and search for salvation in Hindu mythology. The chief attractions of this place are the Nataraja Temple, the Govindarajaswamy Shrine, the Shivakamasundari Shrine and the Subramanyan Shrine, which are all located in same temple complex.
The Nataraja Temple was built by the Chola dynasty in the 9th century and is dedicated to Lord Shiva in his form of Nataraja or the Lord of Dance. Built in the form of hut with gold-plated roof, the temple has a huge tank and four colourful towers. The eastern tower is remarkable in that it has elaborate sculptures that detail the 108 hand and feet movements of Bharat Natyam, the traditional dance form of Tamil Nadu.
The temple has five large halls or sabhas, each built with a specific purpose in mind. It was in the Raja Sabha or Royal Hall that many of the Chola emperors had their crowning ceremonies. In the Deva Sabha or the Divine Hall, the administrative functions were conducted while the Nritya Sabha or dance hall housed beautiful sculptures of dance. The Chit Sabha or the Hall of Bliss has five elemental statues of Lord Shiva. The inner shrine is veiled and concealed behind a black curtain that is removed only during the time of prayer. The fifth hall is the Kanaka Sabha or Golden Hall, the exact place where Lord Shiva performed his cosmic dance.
Govindarajaswamy Shrine dedicated to Lord Vishnu, Shivakamasundari Shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva’s consort Parvati and the Subramanyan Shrine, dedicated to Lord Subramanyan are located within the same temple complex.
The Nataraja Temple was built by the Chola dynasty in the 9th century and is dedicated to Lord Shiva in his form of Nataraja or the Lord of Dance. Built in the form of hut with gold-plated roof, the temple has a huge tank and four colourful towers. The eastern tower is remarkable in that it has elaborate sculptures that detail the 108 hand and feet movements of Bharat Natyam, the traditional dance form of Tamil Nadu.
The temple has five large halls or sabhas, each built with a specific purpose in mind. It was in the Raja Sabha or Royal Hall that many of the Chola emperors had their crowning ceremonies. In the Deva Sabha or the Divine Hall, the administrative functions were conducted while the Nritya Sabha or dance hall housed beautiful sculptures of dance. The Chit Sabha or the Hall of Bliss has five elemental statues of Lord Shiva. The inner shrine is veiled and concealed behind a black curtain that is removed only during the time of prayer. The fifth hall is the Kanaka Sabha or Golden Hall, the exact place where Lord Shiva performed his cosmic dance.
Govindarajaswamy Shrine dedicated to Lord Vishnu, Shivakamasundari Shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva’s consort Parvati and the Subramanyan Shrine, dedicated to Lord Subramanyan are located within the same temple complex.